A Tantric Hatha Yoga School





Yoga Teacher Training




Classes ~ Retreats ~ Yoga Teacher Training ~ Coaching ~


Teacher Training


We have opened up our studio teacher training 6am classes to a limited number of students.

Running 6th May to 1st June

Running from 6th May through to 1st June our teacher training classes will be livestreamed.

Here is a grand opportunity to join us every morning virtually for a complete practice.


2024 Winter dates coming soon.

Classes will be at the Thredbo Alpine Hotel

Tantric Hatha Yoga Teacher Training


To expand, to grow, to evolve


A method, a device, a practice


A methodology to move beyond your limitations

The 200Hr Tantric Hatha Teacher Training is a month to learn, discover and embody ancient universal wisdom and yourself. We teach the systematic practices of Tantric Hatha and its philosophies and methodologies.

These are profoundly simple, practical and powerful teachings. The wisdom and practices are based on the Moon, Sun, Fire teaching methodology, a systematic, progressive method of transformation, that empowers you to be the best version of yourself.  

This is a lineage based training. A living chain of transmission, from teacher to student that has lasted the ultimate test of time.

This 200 Hour teacher training sits within the Shakta tradition.

Shakti can be translated to power; the power to become, the power to create, the power to realise our true self.

  • The principles of Ayurveda are central to this training. The Five Element Theory is the basis for understanding the physical and mental bodies and their interaction with the outside world.

    We will also cover Prakriti & Vikruti, the Gunas, Doshas, Subtle Essences, Yoga practices for the Doshas and the daily Ayurvedic lifestyle habits in detail.

  • Contrary to what you might think, Yoga deals with the mind - not fancy poses. We dive deep into the inner realms and explore how Yoga plays a part in our internal life.

    You will learn pranayama and meditation techniques along with lectures on the Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita and Yantra.

  • Tantra is our energy, and what we do with it. You will learn how to use real tools to interact with the energy within and without.

    This is where we will learn and use Kriya, Vayus, Mantra, Mudra and Yoga Nidra.

6th May to 1st June 2024


30th September to 25th October 2024

Did you feel the pull to do our May YTT but for whatever reasons it wasn’t possible?

Here is an opportunity to join us every morning virtually for a complete practice. 60 minutes of asana followed by 30 minutes of pranayama and meditation. If you don't have the full 90 minutes available, you’re in your space, so can you drop out when you need to.

These will be highly informative classes, moving through very specific practices with targeted outcomes. The classes will be aligned with the theory that is being taught in the training, but are still suitable for any level of yogi, from beginner to advanced.

An incredible way to feel the transformation of the journey of the training, in the comfort of your own space. A perfect opportunity to make a commitment to yourself in order to reset and recentre for the month of May, delve deeper into your practice, learn more about the depths of yoga and create a new routine.

May YTT Practices
One time

Unlimited access to our Yoga Teacher Training Live Classes throughout May 2024.



Coming soon


Coming soon

Lizzie l

“Reflecting on the most transformative month of my life. Now coming back to reality, knowing I now have the tools to overcome whatever comes my way and to help others through the wisdom of these beautiful teachings of Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra, to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.”

River B

“I love you Jai Yoga. You healed and liberated me more than I could ever voice. Here's to Tantric Hatha and all of its beautiful teachings. Proud as punch to be a part of this community.”

Francesca S

“I recommend this course to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the mind, body and relationship with the universe. I learnt so much from Jane and the Jai Yoga teachers as well as the other students I shared 4 weeks with. Thank you Jane for bringing us together to gain knowledge and improve our lives.”